What Are the Causes Behind Bullying?

Juan Pablo Perret

June 15, 2022

Schools once claimed that the biggest problem they faced was students dropping out of school. Today, their biggest concern is bullying. Bullying has always existed, but the issue has become significantly more sensitive recently, which is why schools must fight against this type of violence.

Bullying is never acceptable, but understanding and investigating why one person bullies another can help put the situation into perspective.

What Causes Bullying?

Bullying is linked to complicated family and social environments with a history of violence or justification for it. Exposure to these environments contributes to the development of psychological and personality issues in the aggressors, causing them to incorporate the abuse that is common within their circle into their daily lives.

Also, the little emphasis given to the conflict within schools affects the frequency of bullying cases. If children are not taught the importance of reporting these facts from an early age, they become passive witnesses, normalizing the situation, and the problem remains unsolved.

Another possible cause is the lack of social skills; some children and teenagers have difficulties bonding with others because they lack the skills to make friends. As they fail to establish themselves within a group and have a cordial relationship, they adopt aggressive patterns towards those they perceive as “weaker”, seeking acceptance from them as a group.

Although some do not suffer from any of these problems, not everyone has the same reality, hence the importance of talking about these issues at home and in school.

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