Effects of Bullying on Mental Health

Juan Pablo Perret

June 16, 2022

Bullying can seriously affect the mental health of those who have been victims of it, both in the short and the long term. Bullying has negative impacts on the victim’s life and gives way to other issues ranging from low self-esteem to thoughts of self-harm.

Furthermore, research from the NICHD suggests that young people who are victims of bullying are more prone to developing depression, anxiety, or low self-esteem, compared to those who have not suffered any violence.

In addition, the study states that young people who have been part of bullying cases are more likely to fall into substance use, have poor academic performance, and be violent against others throughout their lives. Meanwhile, cyberbullying is also mentioned in the report, showing that people affected by this type of violence are more likely to develop depression.

Regarding stalkers, the study showed that over time, those who carry out this practice develop antisocial behaviors, such as problems in their educational environment and aggressive behaviors in their daily lives, which prevents them from having lasting friendships.

The study not only focuses on those who are directly involved in bullying instances, but also explains that those who participate indirectly, that is, they observe or remain silent regarding the case of violence, are affected by anxiety and stress.

Who can help these young people? The refusal or fear of going to school, blaming others for their problems, or poor grades are signs a child might be a victim of bullying. Parents and guardians, educators, and adults who interact with children are the ones who can detect if the child shows any of these warning signs and help them in the process of overcoming them.

BRAVE UP! also helps with this process, with tools such as the Diagnosis of School Coexistence and the Sociogram, which help counselors know the relationships in the classroom and detect early cases of bullying.


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