How to Use Technology Safely and Responsibly

Juan Pablo Perret

October 5, 2022

Children have been surrounded by technology since birth, and electronic devices are increasingly present in their everyday lives. Therefore, it is vital for adults to be aware of how children spend their time behind the screen.

Sexting, grooming, cyberbullying, and other kinds of violence are some of the risks that have arised along with the development of technological devices, and parents should watch out for these risks at home 

Recommendations For the Safe Use of Technology

  • According to the World Health Organization (WHO) the amount of screen time while using cell phones, tablets, computers, consoles, etc. directly influences sleep quality, risk of obesity, and vision development. As a result, establishing screen time limits for young children is especially important.
  • For children ages 7-12, parents and guardians should instill the importance of safely using electronic devices. It is recommended that children do not spend more than two hours behind a screen without active breaks.
  • For children ages 12-15, parents should pay more attention to social media. It is necessary to bring awareness to the existing dangers of  social media such as fake profiles or the various ways of harassment that could occur. 
  • Parents should encourage their children to protect their privacy by setting their social media profiles to “private”, so that only those close to them have access to the content they post.

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