Games to Understand and Prevent Bullying

Juan Pablo Perret

September 1, 2022

Children spend a significant part of their day at school, which is why it is so important to work on bullying prevention and turn the classroom into an inclusive environment so everyone can develop their social and learning abilities. 

To achieve this behavior in the classroom, the role of both the school and the family is fundamental, as they create different dynamics aimed at reducing or eliminating bullying and helping prevent this educational and social issue. Video games can also contribute to these dynamics that develop respect and compassion in the classroom. 

The following games contribute to bullying prevention and can be played at school and at home.

Dynamics for Inside and Outside the Classroom

The Happiness Jar: this game consists of writing each student’s name on a piece of paper and putting them in a jar. Each student will have a turn to draw a name from the jar and write a positive comment about the classmate they drew. For example, a great quality they have or something they excel at.

Students will then put the piece of paper back in the jar once everyone has finished writing their comments, and the teacher will read them to the class. This is an anonymous process where students will have the freedom to express themselves while also eliminating the feelings of isolation some students may have. 

Connected: A group of researchers at Universidad Complutense de Madrid created a video game to raise awareness about bullying and cyberbullying in school where players put themselves in the shoes of a student who suffers from bullying and cyberbullying on a daily basis after starting at a new school. 

The game is geared toward teens between the ages of 12 and 17 and is only available for Windows or Linux computers. (* the game is currently offered only in Spanish).

Finally, various experts agree that learning is enhanced through games; Visionaria Games developed video games that combat multiple youth issues, among which bullying stands out. Schools and NGOs can acquire these games directly from the company.

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