BUP! Experiences | San Agustín School

Juan Pablo Perret

August 31, 2022

The San Agustín de Atacama School, located in the  Atacama region’s capital, Copiapó, between the desert and valley, and is one of the first institutions that trusted BRAVE UP! to stop bullying,  has been using our software since 2015.

Since San Agustín de Atacama has used our platform for over six years, we visited the school to talk with Adriana Jorquera, the Middle School Wellness Director, about their experience. 

“As School Wellness Director, I love the platform; it is very interesting to have the software for us as a school,” Adriana Jorquera begins. “We use the platform among parents and guardians, head teachers, educators, class councils, etc.,” she added.

The School Wellness Director also praised the different functions of the BRAVE UP! platform: “We love the BUP! Mode; students and parents/guardians can approach issues and contact us about their needs and suggestions for the school.”

The Use of BRAVE UP! During Quarantine

Thanks to BRAVE UP!, Adriana Jorquera comments that although they have not experienced many cases of bullying in school, one aspect they were able to measure in the two years of virtual instruction during the pandemic was the issues in relationships between parents and children. 

During the pandemic, we noticed some family issues by using the platform, such as parents and students not knowing each other well, not regarding each other as family, and not respecting boundaries at home.”

The school has focused on strengthening parent-student relationships through activities involving parents/ guardians and students, inviting them to learn about what goes on in their child’s world.

Adriana Jorquera adds that the school also uses the BRAVE UP! tools, especially the resource library, to support their monthly workshops and incorporate them into the classroom, creating group dynamics.

Besides relying on BRAVE UP! to end school violence, Adriana Jorquera explains that bullying is increasingly rare at the school, given that students now have the skills to understand different points of view and embrace diversity. She also comments that having classes of no more than 30 students also contributes to maintaining the well-being of the school community.

* “Beware of the ‘cyber-wolf’,” “Include me!”

However, some parents have shared their doubts regarding this process, so the school has held workshops and has shared resources created by BRAVE UP!  to promote values like respect and acceptance in every family circle. 

During the week of the school’s 27th anniversary, the San Agustín de Atacama will continue working towards peaceful coexistence at school, which is reflected in the murals and hallways from the moment you enter. 

Check out images from our visit:

Translation by: Laura Vallejo

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