What is Mobbing and How to Prevent This Type of Aggression?

Juan Pablo Perret

August 16, 2022

Mobbing refers to the bullying of an individual by a group, most commonly in the workplace. 

It can occur through hostile actions that aim to intimidate and isolate the victim or affect their productivity and well-being. It is done by employers or coworkers who wish to establish a power hierarchy out of professional jealousy, among other reasons. 

Mobbing tactics include verbal harassment, undermining the victim’s work, overworking them, isolating them, shutting down their ideas, or not considering them when making decisions.

Employees have the right to work in a healthy environment that promotes their social well-being, given that the workplace is one of the most essential spaces for developing interpersonal relationships. However, mobbing victims are also affected in this aspect, which negatively impacts their everyday lives. 

Employers and contracts should guarantee work conditions that protect the employee’s health and well-being, including protocols to prevent and deal with workplace harassment.

Here are some tips that can contribute to a healthy work environment:

  • Train employees on mobbing and discuss consequences 
  • Enable communication channels for reporting cases and hold regular workshops 
  • Foster a workplace environment with respect as a core value, where exchanging ideas benefits everyone.

Translation by: Laura Vallejo

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