How to Improve School Coexistence? 

Juan Pablo Perret

June 24, 2022

“School coexistence” has been trending in recent months. The return of students to classes all over the country has increased the cases of school bullying.

For this reason, there is increasing interest in the social and emotional aspects of the classroom. It is one of the factors families consider when enrolling their children in an establishment.

The concept of “school coexistence” could be defined as the set of relationships within the educational institution, i.e. administration, teachers, students, and families. In this sense, it is essential to have an integral development of friendship networks and good relationships among peers. However, there are also cases of exclusion and rejection present, which harm school coexistence.

The following are ways to work on school coexistence and avoid harmful situations.

Identify who is in charge of school coexistence: This will allow you to know if there are protocols already in established within your educational community about how to deal with possible cases of bullying or cyberbullying,

Horizontal communication: This allows directors, teachers, students, and parents, to increase democratic participation in the classroom and greater trust among each other.

Generate moments of distraction: Students spend a large part of their formative stage at school. Therefore, not everything can be studying and attending classes. Group activities, sports, and social gatherings allow for bonding.

In addition, the ability to pay attention in class, understand and embrace diversity, and value different opinions will also create a positive atmosphere, making all educational community members feel welcome.

In conclusion, coexistence is a learning curve, and it is essential to make everyone in the community feel like they belong to achieve positive results.


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